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Custom DNA Oligonucleotide Synthesis

(for Covid-19 primers and probes click here)

Current Oligonucleotide Prices (desalted oligos, free desalting included):

Synthesis scale

Oligo length


minimum yield*

Price per base


Price per base


Extra cost


25 nmole

10-65 bases

 2 OD or 5 nmol




100 nmole

Any (oligos shorter than 10

bases are charged as 10-mers)

6 OD or 25 nmol




200 nmole

Any (oligos shorter than 10

bases are charged as 10-mers)

12 OD or 50 nmol




1000 nmole

(1 µmole)

Any (oligos shorter than 10

bases are charged as 10-mers)

50 OD or 500 nmol




15000 nmole

(15 µmole)


600 OD or 5000 nmol

(3500 nmol for oligos < 5 bases)



30.00 per oligo

*The relations between different units for oligo quantification are calculated by a computer, but as an approximation for a 20-base long oligo, 50 nmol equals approx. 10 OD units (at 260 nm wavelength) or 300 micrograms.  Example: An 8-mer oligo CTACTAGC is ordered at the 100 nmol scale; the final DNA quantity delivered to the customer is 71 nmol (71000 pmol), which for this particular oligo equals 168 micrograms and 5.3 OD units.  Our guaranteed minimum is either 6 OD or 25 nmol.  The delivered product does not have 6 OD (it is only 5.3 OD units), but at 71 nmol, it is almost three times more than the guaranteed 25 nmol; therefore, the actual yield is considered sufficient (higher than the guaranteed minimum).  The above table is for desalted oligos without additional purifications or modifications. The guaranteed minimum for oligos with additional purification is usually 40% of the guaranteed minimum for desalted oligos.  Oligos with additional modifications may yield less than the guaranteed minimum for oligos without modifications.

**The prices in Canadian dollars are valid only for customers from Canada, and are subject to government sales taxes (GST, HST, QST).  The taxes are extra (not included in the above prices).

Fluorescent oligos:  Most of our fluorescent dyes are now only 29 USD / 29 CAD per modification, either 5' or 3' label, 100 nmol or 200 nmol scale:  FAM, HEX, TET, VIC-replacement, NED-replacement, PET-replacement, Texas Red, JOE, Cy3, Cy3.5, Cy5, Cy5.5, and many more, click here for details on the single-label probes.  For dual-label probes (real-time PCR probes, qPCR probes, TaqMan probes) please click here.  Our prices for the dual-label probes are among the lowest in the world, starting from less than 70 dollars per probe. 

Add your country or U.S. state to the list of our customers, and get 25% off your first order(s)!  Click here for details.


More than 99% of all orders are shipped within 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays).

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